
Teaching Manners

How To Teach Your Children Manners

February 18, 2025

Teaching my children manners has always been a top priority for me, and that’s a reflection of my own childhood. I was born in Birmingham, Alabama to parents who prioritized well-mannered children, and it rubbed off on me! But as all mothers know, there is a huge difference in the idealized way you think you […]

Challenges And Blessings Of Being An Older Mom

September 8, 2024

I recently had a baby at 42 years old, and while being pregnant again definitely had some challenges, it’s the raising of another baby that I believe might scare some folks away. I thought it might be helpful to discuss both the challenges and the blessings of being an older mother. I will be speaking […]

How To Be A Calm Mom Even When Life Is Crazy

August 29, 2024

Nobody really wants to be known as the mother who is always losing her temper, or the neurotic mom, or the grumpy mom, or the mom who is always being a martyr. Most mothers that I know (myself included) want to be known as a calm, fun, loving mom. Unfortunately, what ends up happening, unless […]

Back-To-School Planning For A Successful Year

August 9, 2024

It’s that time again! Some parents are excited, some are dreading it, but it happens every August…it’s time to prepare for back to school!!! Preparation is everything when it comes to back-to-school. We aren’t just preparing for a one time event or for a busy week…we’re preparing for a nine month marathon. Putting proper thought […]

How To Fix A Picky Eater

July 14, 2024

Have you ever wondered why some families have all picky eaters, some only have a few, while others have none? There are actually several reasons why this happens, and the good news is, even if you have a “picky eater” right now, there is hope and change can happen. It’s always been my belief that […]

How to Get Your Kids Helping Around the House

November 16, 2017

If you are trying to figure out how to get your kids helping around the house, then great! You are in the right place. Teaching children to be responsible goes hand-in-hand with giving them daily chores, and expecting them to complete those chores well. Years and years ago a wise mother of nine children told […]