The freedom moms blog

How To Fix A Picky Eater, Part 2

In the first blog post we discussed parenting strategies for reforming picky eaters, and now it’s time to discuss actual food strategies that will help. Remember, the ultimate goal here is to help your children develop a broad and adventurous palate…not just for your own sake as the Mom who has turned into a short […]

How To Fix A Picky Eater

Have you ever wondered why some families have all picky eaters, some only have a few, while others have none? There are actually several reasons why this happens, and the good news is, even if you have a “picky eater” right now, there is hope and change can happen. It’s always been my belief that […]

How To Clean Your Home When You Don’t Know Where To Start

If you have found yourself frustrated and lacking motivation to get your home pulled together, cleaned up, and running more smoothly but you just don’t know where to start, then I’ve put together this resource for you! Twelve years ago, I was in this exact place. I had seven children under the age of twelve […]

How To Build Deep Cleaning Into Your Month

Once you have a great chore and cleaning routine in place, there is no feeling in the world that compares. Sometimes though, we get so focused on the routine cleaning, that we completely forget deep cleaning tasks that only need to be done occasionally. I’ve created a list of deep cleaning tasks that shouldn’t take […]

Clutter Challenges With Children, Part 3

We’ve discussed why it’s important to keep Clutter Magnets clear, and we’ve discussed why it’s important to teach your children to deal with their clutter as well. Let’s discuss a third clutter challenge…the overwhelm that clutter causes. Clutter Challenge 3- All Of The Clutter Feels Overwhelming To Deal With Here’s the thing about clutter. It […]

Clutter Challenges With Children, Part 2

In my first post of this clutter series, I discussed how important it is to keep your clutter magnets clear, you can read that clutter post here. Now that we are keeping those spots clear, let’s move onto a second common clutter problem that I frequently see in families with children… And let’s be clear, […]