The freedom moms blog

Clutter Challenges With Children, Part 1

At this point we all know that if we had less clutter in our homes, it would be SO much easier to keep clean. This is not new information. The problem is, actually making a clutter-free home a reality. It’s HARD! If we were just single ladies with no children, only responsible for our own […]

Marie Kondo’s Method Was Never Sustainable For Moms

A few years ago when I first started mapping out the Freedom Moms Challenge and the Smart Kids Chore System, I noted that my methods were forged in the fiery furnace of real motherhood. At the time, Marie Kondo had just had her first baby (after writing her popular book), and as far as I […]

How To Get Your Kids Doing Chores Absolutely Right Without The Anguish

One of the number one roadblocks I hear from moms who are struggling to get their children doing chores is that the job never gets done correctly. The chore (if it’s completed at all) will only be done halfway, or will be done sloppily…and then, nine times out of ten, Mom ends up feeling like […]

chore chart

Why A Chore Chart Won’t Fix Your Kids

Have you ever bought a chore chart, thinking it was the golden ticket to finally getting your kids doing chores? And then, a few days or weeks later, you were sorely disappointed? Welcome to the Club of Disappointed Chore Chart Moms! I’m actually embarrassed by how many charts I’ve purchased over the years: some magnetic, […]


How To Handle a Child Chore System the Right Way

I’m getting ready to say something REALLY controversial…A Child Chore System should NOT be your first priority if you are trying to lighten you own cleaning load and get your home in order. Isn’t that a weird thing for a woman who has built her whole business around teaching Moms how to get their children […]


Why All Of Your Past Decluttering Efforts Have Failed

How many times in the past have your efforts at decluttering failed? Having a clutter-free home was my New Year’s Resolution year after year. And then, year after year, I failed. I tried every method out there to get the clutter under control…Flylady, KonMarie, you name it, I tried it. But I never got very […]