Home Logistics

How To Clean Your Home When You Don’t Know Where To Start

July 11, 2024

If you have found yourself frustrated and lacking motivation to get your home pulled together, cleaned up, and running more smoothly but you just don’t know where to start, then I’ve put together this resource for you! Twelve years ago, I was in this exact place. I had seven children under the age of twelve […]

Clutter Challenges With Children, Part 2

June 11, 2024

In my first post of this clutter series, I discussed how important it is to keep your clutter magnets clear, you can read that clutter post here. Now that we are keeping those spots clear, let’s move onto a second common clutter problem that I frequently see in families with children… And let’s be clear, […]

Clutter Challenges With Children, Part 1

June 7, 2024

At this point we all know that if we had less clutter in our homes, it would be SO much easier to keep clean. This is not new information. The problem is, actually making a clutter-free home a reality. It’s HARD! If we were just single ladies with no children, only responsible for our own […]

Marie Kondo’s Method Was Never Sustainable For Moms

February 6, 2023

A few years ago when I first started mapping out the Freedom Moms Challenge and the Smart Kids Chore System, I noted that my methods were forged in the fiery furnace of real motherhood. At the time, Marie Kondo had just had her first baby (after writing her popular book), and as far as I […]

How To Get Your Kids Doing Chores Absolutely Right Without The Anguish

September 15, 2022

One of the number one roadblocks I hear from moms who are struggling to get their children doing chores is that the job never gets done correctly. The chore (if it’s completed at all) will only be done halfway, or will be done sloppily…and then, nine times out of ten, Mom ends up feeling like […]


January 25, 2020

  This post may contain Amazon affiliate links. If you purchase those items through my links I will earn a commission. You will not pay more when buying a product through my link. A home routine was a concept that I used to struggle with as a young mother. I didn’t just dislike the concept […]

Get Your Home Organized

December 13, 2018

Managing a family and organization are two of the most daunting parts of being a mother. When it comes down to it, being pregnant for what feels like forever, dealing with an ongoing cycle of breastfeeding, potty training, and terrible twos and threes, these things aren’t nearly as overwhelming as trying to figure out how […]

Successful Decluttering Made Unbelievably Simple

March 17, 2018

  Decluttering is something I’m always working on…it’s one of those jobs in the same category as cooking, laundry, and homeschooling. Decluttering is just never done. I’ve trained myself over the years to do a little bit of decluttering each day, the same way I do with my cleaning and laundry systems. However, I LOVE […]

How to Stop A Stomach Bug From Spreading In A Family

February 22, 2018

  Boy oh boy do I have some tips to share with you today on how to stop a stomach bug from spreading in a large family! We have been through the ringer for the last month! If you read my last post, about surviving times of illness in a large family, then you already […]

How To Keep Your Home Company-Ready Most Of The Time

January 31, 2018

  I am not a naturally clean and organized woman. I love and appreciate the benefits of a clean and organized home, but when it comes to actually doing the work, I’d rather be doing just about anything else. As a mom though, keeping the house reasonably clean and picked up is more of a […]