Who is Ashley?
(and how do you pronounce her last name?)
In a nutshell…Buffa rhymes with loofah…
Ashley is the mother of 10 children (yes, 10!), a business owner, a homeschool mom, and a dedicated non-perfectionist home systems extraordinaire! She is passionate about teaching overwhelmed Moms how to transform themselves from a minion martyr mindset into confident, capable, respected home CEO's.
But let’s dig a little deeper!
Who is Ashley?
(and how do you pronounce her last name?)
In a nutshell…Buffa rhymes with loofah…
Ashley is the mother of 10 children (yes, 10!), a business owner, a homeschool mom, and a dedicated non-perfectionist home systems extraordinaire! She is passionate about teaching overwhelmed Moms how to transform themselves from a minion martyr mindset into confident, capable, respected home CEO's.
But let’s dig a little deeper!
I have never been a naturally tidy and organized person, in fact, I told my mother when I was younger that I didn’t need to learn to clean because I was going to marry a rich man and have a live-in maid.
<Insert extreme eye-roll here!>
I struggled mightily as a young mom with lots of littles, back to back. And by the time I had my seventh baby, I was in crisis mode daily. The house was a wreck, I was a wreck, and I just KNEW that this was NOT the life that I wanted. But as much as I knew that this wasn’t the life that I wanted, I also knew that the only person who could change it was ME!
but how???
It wasn’t until just a year ago that I realized it was time to share my knowledge with the world. I was pregnant with my tenth baby, and working a lot of hours for a huge online marketing company. I knew that if I really, truly wanted a fantastic maternity leave, that it was time for me to stop being an employee and a contractor for other businesses, and it was time for me to start marketing myself.
I knew that my chore system had the power to transform homes and lives because I had seen it happen over and over again. So, in November of 2019, I made the leap! The rest was history.
The Smart Kids Chore System resonated with Moms everywhere.
It was created for Moms who are:
Tired of the mess
Tired of the stress
Ready for a BIG change!
A little bit about me:
I’ve been married for 19 years, have ten children ranging in ages from 18 to infant (8 boys, 2 girls), we have a very naughty puppy named Rambo, and a gorgeous and sweet Silver-Tipped Chinchilla Persian cat named Winston Churchill.
I dream of one day being an amazing gardener (that day is NOT today), I spent three months trying to be a Roller Derby Queen (turns out I’m not cut out for that after all!), and I’m terrible at spacial relations!
But I LOVE gourmet cooking, moonlighting as a wedding caterer, drinking fine wine, going to Amish produce auctions, and canning! I would LOVE to get to know YOU better!
For more information on interviewing Ashley or having her speak at your event, click here: